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Air Zimbabwe


Over the mid-term vacation I went to Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe with three friends (and a few more came through at various points during our stay) for 8 days. Zimbabwe is not exactly on the US State Department's Favorite Vacation Spots list at the moment, but Vic Falls was a safe destination within the country. If anyone is interested, the State Department's report on Zimbabwe can be found here. Despite the potential dangers faced by those who express views in any way opposing the government, people were engaged and excited to talk about their country, both its downfalls and positive aspects. Lots of interesting conversations occurred over the week and even though I've been studying Zimbabwe all semester, I learned so much in just that one week from people I met. Overall, Vic Falls was an incredible experience -- one that I will never forget.

The trip began by travelling from Cape Town to Johannesburg, and then to Vic Falls, via Air Zimbabwe (or Air Zim), an airline affectionately called by many "Scare Zim". The plane was unexpectedly small, but the flight was fine and the food was the best I've ever had on any airline.


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