Niharika Thapa How did you develop an interest in the aviation industry? It was my childhood dream to become an air hostess. Who guided you to join AHA? I got to know about this academy through newspaper since my dream was to join service industry so I got a platform to achieve my goal. What’s been your experience with AHA? It was such a wonderful experience which is difficult to express on paper. I can still remember the first day at AHA I was bit nervous, bit hesitant but all my hesitation ,nervousness has been removed by AHA it boost up my confidence, brushed up my skills, in short I would say I am here because of AIR HOSTESS ACADEMY.
QATAR AIRWAYS. How did you get this placement? I got this placement through AIR HOSTESS ACADEMY. What was the selection procedure? There were four rounds: 1) First round was physical round. 2) Second was written test. 3) Third was group discussion. 4) And final round was one to one. Any previous job experience before you started your career in aviation? Earlier I used to work for KINGFISHER AIRLINES as a reservation executive. Please describe yourexperiences during the first few days of joining your first job, after completing your course? Initially I found it exciting because everything was new for me I have been assigned some responsibilities which I had to fulfill and it was like an opportunity for me to prove myself and finally I proved myself with my sincerity and my hard work. What in your assessment are some of the basic skills required for this career? In my opinion some of the basic skills required for this career are:
Any message for the trainees at AHA? I would like to give only one message to the trainees at AHA that “BELIEVE IN YOURSELF”,never ever try to escape from hard work, do hard work rather smart hard work and 1 fine day you will find yourself flying in the sky like me. ALWAYS REMEMBER THESE LINES WE HAVE DONE IT YOU CAN DO IT YOU WILL DO IT .
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